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2012世界视错觉大赛 ,是世界上首屈一指的视错觉研究界的聪明才智和创造力的庆祝活动。来自世界各地的参赛者提交的视觉幻象(未公布或公布不早于2011年)作品,一个国际专家小组评组成的评审团,经过精心筛选评比,并且和参会者共同投票挑选三位最佳获奖者!

第一名:消失的手 [作者信息:Roger Newport, Helen Gilpin and Catherine Preston
(University of Nottingham, UK)]

This multi-sensory illusion uses vision, touch and position sense to create the illusion that the hand has disappeared. The felt positions of the hands are gradually adapted without the participant noticing so that the real locations of the hands end up further outwards than their perceived locations. When the right hand is removed from vision and the participant reaches across to touch it, all they can feel is the empty table. The combined loss of vision and touch creates a powerful illusion that the hand is missing and was designed to simulate loss of awareness in stroke patients.

第二名:漂亮变丑-闪现面部变形效果 [作者信息:Jason Tangen, Sean Murphy and Matthew Thompson
(The University of Queensland, Australia)]


肖恩·墨菲(Sean Murphy)是澳大利亚昆士兰大学心理学系学生,他在做另一项实验时需要看一组照片,他看着看着竟意外发现了这个视觉错觉。墨菲继而与同事一道研究这个现象(报道),他的同事发现,将一系列人像照片快速连续呈现给观察者时,如果这些照片中人物的双眼位置全部对齐,那么观察者眼中的画面就会发生扭曲。画面之所以会产生形变,是因为连续呈现的大头照之间面部特征各有差异,例如说,如果前一张照片里的人是眯眯眼,那么由于对比,下一张照片中的大眼睛就会显得愈发膨胀。

墨菲和他的团队去年就发表了这项新发现(报道),但直到最近,他们做了这个新的视频,大量使用欧美娱乐圈俊男美女明星头像,大大加强了这个错觉的戏剧性效果。这项发现还获得了今年“年度最佳视觉错觉大赛”(2012 Best Illusion of the Year Contest)二等奖。

When you stare directly at the faces, they look normal. But, if you stare at the cross, the faces quickly turn ugly.
Like many interesting scientific discoveries, this one was an accident. An undergraduate student was working on face photographs for an unrelated experiment when he was suddenly shocked by the deformed faces staring back at him.
The distortion comes from the many differences between each face and the one that follows. A particularly tanned face, for example, will make the next face seem pale and squinty eyes will make normal eyes bulge.

第三名:颜色车轮 [作者信息:Arthur Shapiro, William Kistler, and Alex Rose-Henig
(American University, USA)]


入围作品:高度矛盾的假象[作者信息:Sachiko Tsuruno,Kinki University, Japan]


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